Introduction to coffee presentation

In my continued efforts to bring the most value for the coffee beginners , operators, and marketers of the world, today the where that we standing, I’m releasing a deck that I have worked on extensively over the last couple of months.

Me and my team did it to inspire and, more importantly, to create the tactics and details around how you, your organization, your startup  can know more about start working on coffee business.

However this deck continues my tradition of training step-by-step guides that give you the exact information I’ve used to run my introduction to coffee class. That includes references like :

Coffee Origins . Biology of coffee plant . Coffee’s Growing Region . Coffee’s Journey . Current Coffee Industry . Coffee origin . How coffee is traded . Species .  Varieties . cultivar . Harvesting . Processing . Processing Flavor Description . Quality Control . Roast Process . effect on taste . Roasting graph . Different roast style . storage . Coffee freshness . Humans Senses . Taste . SCA Flavor Wheel . Effect of geographical position on coffee flavor . Cupping . How to do coffee cupping . Brew methods . Brewing parameters . Filter material . Coffee extraction definition . Water Quality . What is Specialty Coffee / Organizations in Specialty Coffee / waves /.

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Saeed Abdinasab
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Saeed Abdinasab
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Saeed Abdinasab

Saeed Abdinasab

Coffee Instructor (AST) & (Q)


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