Events & Projects

Event and Projects

Why Are We Doing these Project?

Organizations and community undertake projects all the time. But how often is the decision to undertake a project based on a strong business case? How often are proposed projects reviewed and approved by executive management? How often does management review the purpose, direction and progress of a project during its lifecycle? How often does management end up asking itself “Why did we take on this project in the first place?”

The answers to these questions, respectively, would probably be: “Rarely,” “Sometimes,” “Occasionally,” and “Because it seemed like a good idea at the time.” In fact we are trying to teach and learn all the time all our experience with the people all around the world and also more for the people who need it.

what we are Doing?

A common problem we see on everywhere in coffee business is people jump high level requirements without first answering the question “Why are we doing what we are doing?” Many challenged happen for them, in the business or in the any short term project (e.g., over budget, behind schedule, not meeting quality standards) can trace their difficulties to the very beginning of the project where there was a failure to define the problem that the project was expected to solve or the opportunity the project was to exploit.

When a new wave in coffee begins, it is imperative that the people think and the entire community have a clear understanding of the what can happen as result of it. In other words, the “Why are we doing what we are doing?” question needs to be answered and clearly communicated.

So where to start?

we start with the beginners and coffee lovers all around the world. Identify the key is who are involved in the projects and community to try make themselves better every day. Determine who is most affected by or has a stake in any project and event?  Who are the project champions?  Who are the customers?  All is us. So we start by ourselves since 2 years ago, after few years of experience in training and managing educational courses we start holding different kind of activities-event-workshop and long term project for helping to communities.

Focus on the project and what’s the goal

We are truly believe or project can push the global community to a better way, specially the ones who nobody don’t know about them in the far point of the world.

Contact us to get information on up coming events & book requests .

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Saeed Abdinasab

Saeed Abdinasab

Coffee Instructor (AST) & (Q)


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